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Sociology Series
Social Psychological Wellbeing of Left-behind Children
日期: 2019-07-02 点击:
Shenyang Guo
Speaker Bio
郭申阳教授是美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学布朗社会工作学院Frank J. Bruno杰出教授、西安交通大学社会学学科西安交通大学讲座学者讲座教授。他发表过很多有关儿童福利、儿童心理健康服务、儿童福利和健康照顾的研究论文,亦是《倾向值分析》、《生存分析》和《结构方程模型》三本著作的作者/合作者。他擅长使用高级统计模型来研究社会福利问题。他所教授的研究生课程包括:生存分析、多层次模型、增长曲线模型、倾向值分析和项目评估等。此外,郭申阳教授也是Sage出版社“社会科学中的高级定量技术”丛书的主编;《社会服务评论》期刊审稿人,经常受邀担任期刊投稿的高级模型评审;同时,他也是美国社会工作和社会服务学术委员会的成员、社会工作与研究学会会员。在圣路易斯华盛顿大学,他是负责国际事务(大中国地区)的助理副校长。
Shenyang Guo is Frank J Bruno Distinguished Professor at Brown School of Washington University in St. Louis, and the Yangtze-River Chaired Professor at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is the author of numerous research articles in child welfare, child mental health services, welfare, and health care. He is the author/co-author of Propensity Score Analysis, Survival Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling. He has expertise in applying advanced statistical models to solving social welfare problems and has taught graduate courses that address survival analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, growth curve modeling, propensity score analysis, and program evaluation. In addition, Guo is the Editor of Sage Publications’ Advanced Quantitative Techniques in the Social Sciences Series, serves on the editorial board of Social Service Review, and is a frequent guest reviewer for journals seeking a critique of advanced methodological analyses. Guo is a fellow of American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, and a fellow of Society of Social Work and Research. At Washington University in St. Louis, Guo is Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Affairs – Greater China.
What would happen if the left-behind children live apart from their parents for a long time? Do left-behind children evidence lower Social Information Processing skills and appear to be more aggressive than children in rural areas who live with their parents? “Let’s be friends” research team conducted a scientific trial at Jingyang Country from Shaanxi Province to answer these questions. The results suggested that there is no significant difference between the left-behind children and their counterparts who live with their parents.