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Sociology Series
Chinese immigrant entrepreneurial success in Panama
日期: 2019-07-05 点击:
Speaker Bio
Josephine Smart is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Calgary. Her research and teaching interests are economic anthropology, food production and zoonotic diseases, social and economic development in post-1978 China, Chinese international migration, immigrant entrepreneurs, and the international mobility of capital and labor. She conducts fieldwork in Chinese Hong Kong, South China, and Canada. More recently she has also begun to work in Central America. Professor Smart received a Distinguished Teaching Award in 2000 and a Distinguished Research Award in 2006 at the University of Calgary. Some of her most recent publications are listed below. Her most recent book is Post humanism – Anthropological Insights (co-authored with Alan Smart) published by University of Toronto Press (2017).
Josephine Smart是加拿大卡尔加里大学人类学教授。她先后毕业于卡尔加里大学和多伦多大学,研究和教学兴趣主要包括经济人类学、食品生产和人畜共患疾病、改革开放以来中国的社会和经济发展、中国国际移民、移民企业家、资本和劳动力的国际流动等。她曾在中国香港、华南地区、和加拿大开展展开田野调查,并且近期目前正在中美洲开展研究工作。斯马特教授于2000年曾获卡尔加里大学得杰出教学奖,并于在2006年在卡尔加里大学获得杰出研究奖。她学术成果丰富,并最新的学术著作是和艾伦·斯马特教授合作出版《后人类主义-人类学的观点》一书(与Alan Smart合著),该书由多伦多大学出版社2017年出版。
Since Economic Reform in 1978, entrepreneurial immigration to Central America has been one of the latest trends in Chinese out-migration. The secret of contemporary Chinese entrepreneurship in Central America is that they strategically develop kinship ties, regional and dialectical networks, creating a trust-based rotating credit schemes to achieve entrepreneurial success and stable business advantages.