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- 2024年“新港报告之美育高端论坛”
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Sociology Series
The Nonprofit Sector, Social Capital, and Democracy
日期: 2019-07-09 点击:
Speaker Bio
Joseph Galaskiewiez is Professor of Sociology at the University of Arizona, has a courtesy appointment in the School of Government and Public Policy, serves as the Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology, and is the Director of the Certificate Program in Computational Social Science in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. He is the author of Exchange Networks and Community Politics (Sage, 1979), Social Organization of an Urban Grants Economy (Academic Press, 1985), Advances in Social Network Analysis (co-edited with Stanley Wasserman) (Sage, 1994), and Nonprofit Organizations in an Age of Uncertainty (co-authored with Wolfgang Bielefeld) (Aldine de Gruyter, 1998). He also published widely in major sociological, management, and nonprofit journals and has been funded by NSF almost continually since 1980. He is the co-winner of the 2016-17 Graduate College Teaching and Mentoring Award (University of Arizona) and the winner of the 2014 Award for Distinguished Achievement and Leadership in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research. Professor Galaskiewicz is working on an NSF funded study of the spatial distribution of establishments that provide services and activities on Saturday in the Phoenix urbanized area and the effect this has on what children do that day. This project involves two surveys of community residents (2003 and 2013), a panel study of 647 service providers, and a population analysis of growth and decline among over 100,000 establishments from 2003 to 2013. A second project is in conjunction with scholars at the National Institute for Environmental Studies in Japan. The research examines the domestic, global and network variables which explain why some global environmental treaties are ratified by countries while others are not. The focus in on conventions and protocols open for ratification between 1980 and 2016.
Joseph Galaskiewiez是美国亚利桑那大学社会学系教授,同时在政府与公共政策学院担任名誉教授。他是社会学研究生工作负责人,以及社会与行为科学学院计算社会科学认证课程的负责人。Galaskiewicz在芝加哥大学取得了社会学硕士、博士学位。著有《交换网络与社区政治》(Sage,1979)、《社会组织与城市救助经济》(Academic Press, 1985)、与Stanley Wasserman合著《社会网络分析前沿》(Sage, 1994)、与Wolfgang Bielefeld合著《不确定时代的非营利组织》(Aldine de Gruyter, 1998)。他还在社会学、管理学以及非盈利核心期刊上发表了大量文章,并于1980年以来连续获得美国国家自然基金的资助。他是2016至2017年度亚利桑那大学研究生院教学与指导奖的共同获得者,并且是2014年非盈利和志愿行动研究杰出成就和杰出领袖奖的获得者。目前正在进行一项由国家自然科学基金资助的关于菲尼克斯非城镇地区在周六提供服务和活动的机构的空间分布以及该分布对孩子当日行动的影响。该项目包含了两次社区居民追踪调查数据(2003与2013年),这是一项含有647个服务提供者样本,包括2003年到2013年之间超过100,000个机构增长与下降人口分析的追踪数据。另一项研究是与日本国立环境研究所的学者合作开展的。该研究考察了一系列的国内、国际和网络变量,这些变量能够解释为什么有些全球环境条约得到了各个国家的认可而有的条约没有。研究中重点关注1980年至2016年期间批准的环境公约和议定书。
There is now a debate globally about the relative merits of liberal democracy as a governance form. We draw on the extant literature and several data sources including the six waves of the World Values Survey, concluding that voluntary associations enhances generalized trust world-widely, and the trust is the necessary condition in the maintenance of democratic institutions, but not sufficient.