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Sociology Series
The Great Transformation, China since 1978
日期: 2019-07-09 点击:
Nan Lin
Speaker Bio
Nan Lin, born in China, graduated from Tunghai University, Taiwan, and received his doctorate degree from Michigan State University. He taught at Johns Hopkins University and the State University of New York at Albany, before joining Duke University as professor of sociology and director of the Asian Pacific Institute. He is currently the Oscar L. Tang Family Professor of Sociology Emeritus, Duke University. His primary research interests include: social capital, social networks, economic sociology, social stratification, social support and coping, and China. For the past three decades, he has endeavored in developing an integrated approach to social capital: in theory (e.g. Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action ,Cambridge 2001), measurement (i.e., the position generator; Social Capital: An International Research Program, edited with Bonnie Erickson, Oxford 2008) and research (e.g., a three-society study; Social Capital and Its Institutional Contingency: A Study of the United States, Taiwan and China, edited with Yang-chih Fu and Chih-jou Chen, Routledge 2014). He also edited four volumes of Social Capital: Critical Concepts in Social Sciences (Routledge 2011). He delivered the Fei Xiao-tong Memorial Lecture at Peking University in 2008, and was honored, also in 2008, at the “Re-construction and Development of Sociology in China and Nan Lin’s Intellectual Thoughts” at Tsinghua University, Beijing. He holds an honorary doctorate degree from the National Chengchi University, Taiwan, and numerous distinguished visiting or honorary professorships in China and Taiwan. He received the Distinguished Research Contribution Award from the International Association of Chinese Management Research in 2010 and was the Vice President of the American Sociological Association (1999-2000). Currently he is working on several projects including: (1) the great transformation in China, (2) social networks embedding economy, and (3) guanxi: the sentiment-based social exchange.
林南,生于中国大陆,毕业于台湾东海大学,于美国密歇根州立大学获得博士学位。他曾任教于美国约翰霍普金斯大学、美国纽约州立大学奥本尼分校,现为美国杜克大学社会学系教授、亚太研究所所长,及Oscar L. Tang Family社会学荣誉教授。林南主要的研究兴趣包括:社会资本、社会网络、经济社会学、社会分层、社会支持与合作、中国研究。在过去的三十年中,他致力于建立完整的社会资本理论体系,体系中包括:理论(例如:《社会资本:关于社会资本与行动的理论》,剑桥出版社,2001)、测量(例如:定位法;《社会资本:一个国际研究计划》,收录于2008年剑桥出版社发行的由Bonnie Erickson编辑的图书)、研究(例如:一项横跨三个社会的研究;与傅仰止、陈志柔合著的《社会资本与其制度的不确定性:一项关于美国、台湾和中国大陆的研究》,2014年Routledge出版社出版)。同年,由Routledge出版社发行的《社会资本:社会科学中的批判性概念》系列丛书由林南编辑了全四卷。2008年,他受邀作为嘉宾为北京大学纪念费孝通先生的活动演讲。同年,在清华大学召开了“中国社会学建设与发展暨林南先生学术思想”研讨会,是为殊荣。此外,他还被台湾政治大学授予荣誉博士学位,并被中国大陆及台湾地区多个院所邀请成为访问或荣誉教授。他还获得了2010年中国管理研究国际学会颁发的杰出贡献奖,并且在1999年至2000年任美国社会学学会副主席。目前,林南正在进行中的研究项目包括:(1)中国的大转型;(2)社会网络的经济嵌入;(3)关系:基于情感的社会交换。
Polanyi studied the first Great Transformation – in another word, towards the market society - from the sixteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. The capitalistic society with “Chinese” characteristics which has been established since the reform has two ground-breaking characteristics: the centrally managed capitalism, and social embeddedness. Those characteristics distinguish the second Great Transformation which is the beginning of history again.