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Lecture 9 The beauty of a flame as a spark to human civilization


日期: 2020-05-24 点击:


The understanding and use of "fire" by mankind is accompanied by the progress of human civilization and social development. One of the important differences between humans and other animals is whether they can intuitively use fire. Fire brings warmth, light and the heat source of the industrial age to mankind. It can be said that the use of fire is an important symbol for igniting the flower of human civilization. This report will start from the phenomenon of "burning and flame" around us and discuss the various periods of human civilization development. The iconic invention regarding the fire and combustion is attempted to be correlated with the history of human understanding on combustion and flame. We then finally briefly introduce the teaching and research on the topic combustion in Xi'an Jiaotong University.


Speaker Bio

Prof. Zuohua Huang, in the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, is a Yangtze River Scholar, Principal Investigator of the Outstanding Youth Program from NSFC. He has received a great many of awards domestic or international, such as the Outstanding Contribution Award from the Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Society, National Outstanding Award in Scientific and Technological Research, GM China Science and Technology Achievement Award. He also serves as the Editor-in-chief of the journal Fuel. He is elected as Fellow of the International Combustion Institute and board of director, the Combustion Institute. He serves as the executive director of the Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Society, director of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, deputy director of the Combustion Committee of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics.
