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Lecture 5 The Secret of Creative Success
日期: 2021-12-26 点击:
Speaker Bio
Jifeng Mu is Professor of Marketing at Alabama A&M University. He speaks English, Chinese, French, and German. He holds a Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Washington. He publishes in Information Systems Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Decision Sciences, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of the Product Innovation Management, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, among others.
Jifeng Mu,阿拉巴马农工大学市场学教授。掌握英语、汉语、法语和德语等多国语言。拥有华盛顿大学市场营销博士学位。著作包括《信息系统研究》、《市场科学学会杂志》、《决策科学》、《工业市场管理》、《产品创新管理杂志》和《IEEE工程管理汇刊》等。
Too many passionate people buy into the notion that creativity is the province of geniuses and give up even trying to be creators. More interestingly, most people want to be creative. However, many people abandon their dreams and become culture consumers rather than culture creators. A survey suggests that only 25 percent believe they fulfill their creative potential.
However, from Pablo Picasso to Steve Jobs, a handful of creative geniuses achieve large-scale commercial success. Likewise, highly influential academics such as Albert Einstein and Hsue-Shen Tsien achieve stellar success in science and engineering. How do they do it? For most of us, why are the results so bad? Are these creative geniuses born with an instinct for turning ideas into things to be revered? Are they just lucky? Or, is there something beyond our understanding at play? Do most of us have no chance at achieving mainstream success?
What does it take to create a hit, whether a hit restaurant, a hit screenplay, a famous poem, or a successful academic publication at a few top journals in a discipline? Is there a pattern? Is creative success something you can practice, hone, and enhance? Have you ever wondered how successful creative people do what they do? What is their secret? How do they generate work that resonates so well with their audiences? What is the source of their groundbreaking ideas? Have you ever gotten a straight answer to any of these questions? Looking in from the outside, it feels a bit like magic. It’s as if the most successful actors, illustrators, writers, and entrepreneurs possess a secret ability that eludes the rest of humanity.
Over the years, I have learned that there is an evolutionary basis for what commands dollars and attention and that successful ideas are not born of mysterious origins. Moreover, flashes of genius are essentially a biological process that anyone can cultivate. In short, I learned that there is a science and a method to achieving mainstream success, one that anyone can strive to master.
We all exist in a world of infinite possibilities and opportunities. Creative success affects our health, achievement, and the long-term success of all organizations, big or small. Can creative success be the serendipitous moments that occur unpredictably? Might creative success be punctuated by flashes of insight that bubble to the surface without warning? Is creative success a function of a high intelligence quotient (IQ)? Or is creative success for people with certain personality traits? Modern science suggests flashes of inspiration are a cognitive process. Creative success needs aspirants to observe the science of megatrends. Megatrends signify that a large group of people agree that something—a song, product, or idea—has value. As far as trends are concerned, the research identifies two seemingly contradictory urges in the human psyche: People crave the familiar yet seek the novel. To protect ourselves from the unknown, we seek the familiar—for example, the comfort of our home or the company of close friends. Simultaneously, we seek the stimulation and potential rewards of novel and unusual things. Finding the sweet spots in the creative curve with deliberate practice and grit helps people achieve their dreams. Essentially, however, creative success is not a lone-wolf effort. Aspirants need to assemble a group of collaborators and supporters to orchestrate a beautiful, long-lasting ensemble.
然而,从巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)到史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs),少数创意天才取得了巨大的商业成功。同样,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和钱学森等极具影响力的学者在科学和工程领域也取得了巨大的成功。他们是怎么做到的?对于我们大多数人来说,为什么结果如此糟糕?这些创造性天才是否生来就具有将想法转化为值得尊敬的东西的本能?他们只是运气好吗?或者,是否有我们无法理解的东西在起作用?我们大多数人都没有机会获得主流的成功吗?