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Lecture 7 The increasing significance of social capital in reform-era China
日期: 2019-05-28 点击:
4:00-5:00 p.m.
June 27th, Thursday
Lecture 7 The increasing significance of social capital in reform-era China
Yanjie Bian
Speaker Bio
Yanjie Bian is Professor of Sociology at University of Minnesota, USA. Concurrently, he is Director of the Institute for Empirical Social Science Research at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He previously taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Bian is a co-founder (with Professor Li Lulu) of the Chinese General Social Survey, which is a public data archive available to domestic and international scholars. Author of 15 books and more than 160 research articles on topics of China’s social stratification, social networks, and institutional change, Dr. Bian’s current projects include the development of the sociology of guanxi, a panel study about networks and jobs in Chinese cities, and East Asian social networks. He was recognized as one of the 2014-2018 Elsevier most-cited Chinese researchers in social science.
边燕杰是美国纽约州立大学社会 学博士,美国杜克大学社会学和亚洲研究博士后。美国明尼苏达大学社会学终身教授,西安交通大学特聘教授、实证社会科学研究所所长。曾任教于香港科技大学,曾担任北美华裔社会学家协会主席,美国社会学学会亚洲分会主席。长期从事经济社会学、社会分层与流动、社会网络与社会资本研究,创立了关系社会学,是“全国综合社会调查”(CGSS)首创者。研究兴趣:经济社会学、关系社会学、社会网络分析、社会分层与流动、实证社会科学方法论。发表中英著作19部、论文160余篇,Elsevier期刊数据库2014-2018年全球高被引中国学者,单篇被引超过2500次。
The last forty years witnesses a prevalence and increasing significant effect of guanxi, which can be demonstrated by the gradually rising proportion of job search network. This is due to a tendency of upward change in both market competition as well as institutional uncertainty. Implications are that the improvement of transparency and compatibility of regulations are of importance in institutional building.