
IHarbour Lectures
日期: 2019/04/09 10:46 点击:
西安交通大学“新港报告”活动的举办,旨在展示“双一流”学校和学科建设的丰硕成果,体现丝绸之路大学联盟领衔者的积极作为,彰显我校教师国际学术交流的卓越风采。“新港报告”(IHarbour Lectures),是对西安交通大学发展定位——中国的西部,丝路的东端;创新的高地,开放的前沿——的提炼和浓缩。“新港报告”既是中国西部创新港内涵建设的实际行动,也是在创新港建设中继续发扬西迁精神的生动写照。旨在推动师生与社会各界乃至全球各界的交流沟通,以讲座交流促进科技创新、激发学术创造,并致力于发展成为世界一流的科研展示平台和学术交流空间。自2019年4月起,按照不同学科门类组织系列英文学术讲座,讲座人以校内优秀专职教师为主,由学科领军人才和青年后备人才共同参与,同时邀请与我校具有合作关系的校外知名学者加入。讲座主题兼顾学术前沿与社会热点,以现场讲座对话和网络平台播放的形式向全球开放。“新港报告”将以“法学系列”开篇,“人文系列”、“电气工程系列”等紧随其后,十大学科门类都将以团队的形式在此平台上逐次亮相。
IHarbour Lectures initiated by Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) aims to exhibit the substantial accomplishments on construction plan of world-class universities and first-class disciplines, to show the leadership of XJU as a founder of Universities Alliance of the New Silk Road, and to highlight professional international communications in academic settings of our faculty. The IHarbour Lectures program is the core representation for XJTU’s position in its development. That is, it is at Western China, as well we the eastern end of Silk Road; it is the incubation accelerator for innovation, as well as the pioneer for openness. Not only does the program serve as a concrete action to substantively develop China Western Innovation Harbour, but also it vividly reflects the Spirit of Moving to West in the process. To advance technological and academic innovation, it facilitates exchange and communication between our teachers, students, and our society, even the world through lectures, to build it a world-class platform for scientific research showcase and academic communication. A series of academic lectures in English categorized by disciplines starts in April, 2019, and are mainly delivered by outstanding full-time teachers in our university, along with leading innovative talents in disciplines, reserve talents and renown scholars from our partner universities. Lecture themes covers both academic frontier and social hotspots in ten disciplines, and are held onsite and online toward the world. The program begins with Law Lectures, followed by Humanities and Electrical Engineering and etc.