Upcoming Lectures

Upcoming Lectures
Lecture 7 For everyone’s wellbeing: Global health and community of shared future for mankind
日期: 2019-09-10 点击:
2:30-3:30 p.m.
October 26th, Saturday
Lecture 7 For everyone’s wellbeing: Global health and community of shared
future for mankind
Speaker Bio
Prof. Youfa Wang, MD, PhD of Nutritional Epidemiology, is University Distinguish Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Founding Dean of the Xi’an Jiaotong University Global Health Institute; the John and Janice Fisher Endowed Chair of Wellness, Associate Director of the Fisher Institute of Health and Well-Being, and Professor of Nutrition and Health Science in Ball State University. Since 2001, he has worked as Professor of Epidemiology, Environmental Health and Pediatrics, Department Chair, and a Program Director in State University of New York at Buffalo; Founding Director of the Global Center on Childhood Obesity Prevention and Control and Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University. He has served as Chair of the American Society for Nutrition Nutritional Epidemiology Section, President of North American Chinese Society for Nutrition, Chair of The Obesity Society (TOS) Pediatric Obesity Section, and Vice President of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association-Chinese Society on Global Health. He also served in more than 20 the United States and international expert panels and committees, including many National Institute of Health (NIH) grant review committees. He is an expert consultant of the World Health Organization and the United Nations, and a member of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) Working Group on Diet, Nutrition and Long-term Health. His key research interests include nutritional epidemiology, childhood obesity prevention and control, non-communicable chronic diseases prevention and control, global health, big data, systems models, and mHealth. As an internationally-known expert, he has over 250 publications; some are cited>1000 times; many of them were published in top journals such as JAMA, Lancet, Circulation, etc. As the PI, he has secured over $23 million in NIH research grants. He has directed several large international collaboration projects.
王友发,教授、博士生导师、营养流行病学博士,西安交通大学领军学者、全球健康研究院建院院长,美国鲍尔州立大学特聘冠名主任教授、费雪健康研究院副院长。自2001年历任美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校教授、系主任;美国约翰霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院和医学院助理教授、副教授、全球儿童肥胖研究中心主任;美国营养学会营养流行病分会会长和北美华人营养学会会长, 北美肥胖学会儿童肥胖分会会长, 中华预防医学会全球卫生分会副主任委员等。担任过20多个美国和国际专家组及评审委员会成员,参加了多个美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)科研基金评审委员会、是世界卫生组织和联合国的咨询专家及营养科学国际联盟(IUNS)饮食、营养与长期健康工作组成员。主要研究方向包括营养流行病学、儿童肥胖防控、慢性病防控、全球健康、大数据、系统科学。已发表250多篇学术论文,很多在国际顶级杂志例如JAMA、Lancet、 Circulation等; 多篇单独被引用1000次以上。作为项目负责人获得2300余万美元NIH科研经费;主持了多项重大国际合作项目。
Global health is about people’s health and well-being in all countries. In the past decade, many countries inclining China and the USA have paid special attention on global health, have established related new institutions. To promote global health, Health China, Belt and Road Initiative, Xi 'an Jiaotong University Global Health Institute was established in September 2016, which will contribute to building a community of shared future for mankind.