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Lecture 4 How psychological factors influence your health and life: from perception to
日期: 2019-09-13 点击:
3:30-4:30 p.m.
October 13th, Sunday
How psychological factors influence your health and life: from perception to
Speaker Bio
Professor, Li Xiaomei, PhD. Doctoral advisor, Dean of School of Nursing, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and famous teacher of Shaanxi province. Member of National Medical Graduate Education Guidance Committee. Member of higher nursing education guidance committee of ministry of education. Vice President of nursing education branch of higher medical education association. Deputy chairman of Chinese psychological association nursing psychology committee. Deputy chairman of Chinese nursing education association. Vice President of Shaanxi and Xi’an nursing association. Deputy chairman of the evaluation committee of nursing teaching materials of people's medical publishing house. Chair of the review committee of nursing teaching materials and undergraduate teaching materials of people's medical publishing house.The main research areas include nursing education, psychological care, community nursing, and chronic disease management, etc.
This lecture focuses on the relationship between basic psychology and health, including psychological processes: cognition, emotion and will, and personality psychology, including personality psychological tendency and personality characteristics. Students can not only know the basic psychological process and the role of psychology in one's health, but also keep a good psychological state in the university period.
主要讲授普通心理学与健康的关系,包括心理过程: 认知,情感及意志,以及个性心理,包括个性心理倾向和个性心理特征。使学生不仅从学术上认识基本心理过程及心理在人的健康中的作用,而且能够在大学就学期间保持良好的心理状态。