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The Success of If You Are The One in Australia

日期: 2019-11-01 点击:


翻译的目的是传递信息、促进交流,成功的翻译必然是成功的跨文化交际过程。《非诚勿扰》英文字幕版自2013年起在澳大利亚国家电视台SBS TV播出,已经连续播出到了第6个年头,成为澳大利亚播放史上连续播放最长的非英语节目。韩静教授将以她从事中文影视翻译20多年的经验入手,以中国大型相亲节目《非诚勿扰》英文字幕版在澳大利亚的巨大成功的实践为例,深入浅出地讲解中国文化走出去的基本原则和翻译的成功要素。

It is widely recognised that translation is a form of intercultural communication, the ultimate goal of which is to achieve communication by transmitting the intended message to the target audience. Prof. Jing HAN, who has had over 20 years’ experience in translating Chinese films and TV programs, including the most successful Chinese dating show If You Are The One, will illustrate how to achieve cross-cultural communication through manipulating communication in translation.


韩静教授 澳大利亚西悉尼大学/澳大利亚国家电视台

Prof. Jing HAN

University of Western Sydney / SBS


Prof. Jing HAN is a leading expert in translating Chinese culture, audio-visual translation and media accessibility. She is highly regarded for her significant and original contributions to the field and industry. She received her PhD in English Literature from the University of Sydney in 1995. In 1996, she joined the public broadcaster SBS TV Australia as Mandarin subtitler. Since 2006, she has been the Chief Subtitler and Head of the SBS Subtitling Department, leading the Department to a great international success and fame. Over the last 23 years, she has subtitled over 300 Chinese films and documentaries. In the last six years, she has been the leading subtitler of the most popular Chinese TV show If You Are The One. She is the executive producer of the English edition of 100-episode documentary series A History of China commissioned by CCTVChina.