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Lecture 15 Industrial Internet Security: Back to Control and Beyond It


日期: 2020-05-18 点击:


This talk will review the emergence and development of industrial internet, which is revolutionizing the industry and our life. After discussing the industrial internet architecture, we will reveal the inevitable underlying vulnerabilities via analyzing the specific features. We will get back to the fundamental control layer of industrial internet, and explain its importance of converging security and safety via concrete examples. We will demonstrate how various core control devices and protocols are insecure through the most recent research.


Speaker Bio

Peng Cheng, professor, associate dean of College of Control Science and Engineeringvice chair for Institute of Cyberspace Research, Zhejiang University. His research interests include industrial internet security, cyber-physical systems. He has been awarded National State Science and Technology Progress Award (the second class) once, Ministry of Education Natural Science Award (the first class) twice. His research received IEEE INFOCOM’14 best demo award and IEEE IEEE ICCC’14 best paper award. He serves as associate editor of IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems, guest editor of IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vice chair of CAA Committee for Elite Young Professionals, secretary for CAA Committee for Industrial Control System Security. He was elected as Chang Jiang Young Scholar, FYT Foundation Young Teacher, JSPS Invitation Fellowship, IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award.

程鹏,教授,浙江大学控制科学与工程学院副院长、网络空间安全研究中心副主任。研究兴趣主要为工业互联网安全、信息物理融合系统。研究成果获国家科技进步二等奖1项,教育部自然科学一等奖2项。论文获得2014IEEE ICCC会议最佳论文奖、2014IEEE INFOCOM会议最佳演示系统奖。担任IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems编委、IEEE Trans. Automatic Control客座编委,中国自动化学会青年工作委员会副主任、工业控制系统信息安全专委会秘书长等职。入选霍英东青年教师一等奖、JSPS Invitation FellowshipIEEE通信协会亚太区杰出青年学者。