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Lecture 13 Smart Manufacturing Systems


日期: 2020-05-20 点击:


The manufacturing technology is the key for the national production. It marks the level of the competition capability of a nation. From the first industrial revolution on the manufacturing technology has been developed continuously. The invention of the steam machine has made it possible to replace the human power by machines. The combination of the electrical motor and the computer has provided the necessary condition for automation of the production processes. The internet has enabled the unification of the thinking of human with the data exchanging, processing and storage and the machines. The smart manufacturing system will connect the human thinking with the internet and the manufacturing system, free the human from handling and thinking. This lecture will introduce the realization and development of the smart manufacturing system from some special aspects.

制造技术直接决定生产力的高低,代表了国家竞争力的水平。自第一次工业革命以来,制造技术不断地发展与提高。蒸汽机的发明使得机器动力代替人力成为可能,电动机和计算机的结合为自动化生产过程创造了必要的条件,互联网的应用把人的思维,制造过程中数据传输存储和处理以及制造装备结合成为一个完整的制造体系。 智慧制造系统(Smart Manufacturing Systems)就是要把人的思维通过计算机与互联网与制造系统融为一体,在制造过程中彻底解放人的体力和脑力。本讲座将从制造系统的几个侧面介绍智慧制造系统的实现与发展。

Speaker Bio

Dr. Yaolong Chen, graduated at Xian Jiaotong University, got the PhD degree at The University of Hannover/Germanyworked as project manager, CTO and chief engineer at different well-known companies in Germany, 2010 became professor at Xian Jiaotong University, has leaded many projects in the frame of the research program “CNC machine Tools and Basic Manufacturing Equipment” , 863 program and the 973 program, 2016 got the award of the innovation leading talent of the Chinese Mechanical Industry.

陈耀龙博士,毕业于西安交通大学信息与控制工程系无线电专用机械设备专业 1989年德国汉诺威大学工学博士学位。然后在德国多家知名企业担任科研项目负责人、技术总监和总共是等职务。2010年为国家特聘专家, 在西安交通大学担任特聘教授,博士生导师, 主持并承担了" 高档数控机床与基传制造装备"科技重大转项多个课题以及自然科学基金、863973课题研究, 在国内开发了具有德国技术水平的各种数控机床, 填补了我国在这相关领域的技术空白。获得2016年机械工业创新领军人才奖。