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Lecture 8 upercritical fluids-New directions for nuclear energy technology


日期: 2020-05-25 点击:


The supercritical fluid is a very special kind of fluid state that is above the critical point without phase change between the liquid and vapor. It has special fluid properties curves in the near critical point region, with sharp but continuous fluid property change. Such characteristics could be used in the nuclear energy systems and become the innovative nuclear systems. The Supercritical Water Cooled Reactors (SCWR) and Supercritical Carbon-Dioxide Power Cycles (sCO2 cycle) are two kinds of typical nuclear energy application examples. In this lecture, the basic knowledge of supercritical fluids will be first introduced. And then SCWRs and sCO2 cycles are described, respectively, including the basic principle, main characteristics and some ongoing activities.

超临界流体是一种位于临界点之上的没有汽液相变的特殊流体状态,在近临界点区域具有剧烈而连续的特殊物性变化。这种物性变化特征可以用于核能的能量传递和转换,构成新型的核能系统。超临界水冷堆(SCWRs)和超临界二氧化碳动力循环(sCO2 cycle)是两种典型的应用案例。本讲座将介绍超临界流体的基本知识,然后分别介绍超临界水冷堆和超临界二氧化碳动力循环的基本原理、主要特征以及最新的研究进展。。

Speaker Bio

Dr. Yanping Huang, researcher, doctoral supervisor. He is currently the deputy director and chief engineer of the Reactor Engineering Research Sub-institute in NPIC, the director of the CNNC Key Laboratory on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Technology, the secretary-general of the CNS Reactor Thermal Fluid Professional Group, and the CNNC leading expert of Nuclear reactor thermal and fluid mechanics. Dr. Yanping Huang possesses several titles including the Chief scientist of the National 973 Project, winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, leader of the innovation team in key areas of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Program", selected into the National Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Project, National young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions.
