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Lecture9 Urban micro-climate change and the challenges
日期: 2020-11-24 点击:
The large scale and high speed urban development is changing the urban typology in big cities of China. The micro-scaled urban planning and the building layouts are leading to distribution of population density, urban surface variation, and urban roughness variation, which caused the urban environmental problems such like urban heat island and urban air pollution. How to balance the urban functional planning for supporting the economic development and the environmental impacts from urban design is the challenge for urban planners and policy makers. This lecture introduces examples about environmental urban planning in different cities, and discuss about the application of theories of sustainable urban developments.
Speaker Bio
Wang Yupeng, PhD/Professor. He obtained his Ph.D. Environmental Engineering (2012) from the University of Kitakyushu, Japan. Then he joined the Heat Island Group at the Concordia University, Canada, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada. Prof. Wang worked as an urban planner in NIKKEN SEKKEI, the largest architecture and planning firm in Japan, which has many international projects. After joining into Xi’an Jiaotong University, he was awarded the Shaanxi Hundred Youth Talent Program in 2017, and “AIUE-O Prize” from Asia Institute of Urban Environment in 2019. His research experiences includes sustainable urban planning design, urban environmental modeling and evaluation, urban thermal comfort, and urban heat island reduction. Up to now, he is leading two research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published 17 SCI papers, and 13 of them were published as a first/corresponding author.