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Lecture 7 Bacteria Creates Self-healing Concrete
日期: 2020-11-17 点击:
Concrete, due to its high compressive strength, good fire-resistance, easy casting and cost-efficiency, has become the most widely used construction material in the world. However, if taking into account the cost for the later maintenance and the repair of often unavoidable damage, the sustainable development of concrete appears to be a challenge. An alternative to the traditional strategy of damage prevention and repair is the management of damage in a proper way. A promising solution for damage management is self-healing, that is, to make the cracks in concrete heal upon occurrence. The distinct benefit of self-healing is that, if the microcracks could be healed from the initial stage, their further growth into large dangerous cracks could be avoided. Therefore, there would be no or less repair work needed during the subsequent service time, and hence, the cost for repair would be greatly decreased. Among various self-healing methodologies, a most promising strategy is bacteria-based self-healing strategy, which has the distinct features of environmental friendliness, long-term viability and low cost.
Speaker Introduction
Jianyun Wang, PhD, Professor/Doctoral supervisor of Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering. She was granted “Outstanding Youth Talent Funding A” in Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2018. She is an active member of International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM); Scientific member of Self-healing Materials and Technology Committee of China Concrete & Cement-based Products Association. Her main research field is Bacteria-based self-healing concrete, Bio-enhanced recycled aggregates and concrete, Surface protection and consolidation of building materials, Bio-cement, etc. She has undertaken 3 projects from the Research Foundation Flanders of Belgium (FWO), Natural Science Youth Foundation of China (NSFC) and Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, respectively. She has published 25 SCI papers, which have been cited more than 700 times.
王剑云,博士,人居环境与建筑工程学院土木工程系教授/博士生导师,西安交通大学青年拔尖人才(A类)。国际材料与结构实验研究联合会(RILEM)会员;中国混凝土与水泥制品协会自防护混凝土材料与工程技术分会专家委员。主要研究领域:微生物自修复混凝土,生物可再生混凝土,建筑材料表面防护与加固,生物水泥等。承担比利时弗兰德研究基金1项,中国国家自然科学基金委青年基金1项,陕西省自然科学基金委面上基金1项。发表SCI论文25篇, SCI他引700余次。