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Lecture 4 Posthuman Designs: Spaces and Objects for New Alliances


日期: 2020-11-20 点击:


Every era has had its own iconic architectural typology. The dream commission was once the church. Modernism had the factory and then the house. The most significant architectural spaces in the world looks now less related with people. Be they datacenters or natural reserves, vertical farms or sustainable infrastructures, third landscapes or biospheres, they all feature a protagonist that is not only human, either in terms of fruition or agency. And this explains why qualitative researches about their inhabitability are still partially lacking. For this reason, the lecture discusses archetypal models of posthuman design. To show how architectural, landscape, and industrial designers, be they professional practitioner or not, redefined their tools and strategies in order to meet the needs of new and different kinds of subjects. Or better, to highlight how they turned this redefinition into a source of poetic expression and created a novel understanding of conventional categories through their work.


Speaker Bio

Jacopo Leveratto, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture at the School of Architecture Urban Planning and Construction Engineering of Politecnico di Milano and a Lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the same university, where he works as Principal Investigator for the European Research en/counter/points. He has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed international journals and edited volumes. He is also a Correspondent for Op.Cit., the Italian Review of Art Criticism, and the Associate Editor of the peer-reviewed journal iijournal_International Journal of Interior Architecture and Spatial Design.

Jacopo Leveratto,博士,米兰理工大学建筑及城市规划与建筑工程学院室内设计系讲师兼助理教授。欧洲en/counter/points研究所首席研究员;在各国际性学术期刊上发表有大量文章;意大利艺术评论杂志Op.Cit.通讯者;室内空间设计杂志iijournal副主编。