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Lecture3 Dialogue Between Marx and Feuerbach


日期: 2021-03-24 点击:

Speaker Bio

Yan Lianfu, professor, doctoral tutor.Selected for National-level Project and member of the 8th Disciplinary Appraisal Group of the State Council.Our school's top young talents, Distinguished teacher and "ten of most popular teachers"; "six batches elites of Shaanxi Province, advanced individuals of Ideological and political education academic innovation in Shaanxi colleges and universities; member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Ideological and Political Theory Course of the Ministry of Education, influential figures of Ideological and political theory course in National Colleges and universities, were selected as "outstanding young and middle-aged elites in Ideological and political education of China" by the Ministry of Education. Get support of the plan ("outstanding ideological and political elites") and the Ministry of Education's "National Ideological and Political Theory Course for Young and Middle-aged Teachers Selective Financial Assistance" project. His main research directions are the comparison of philosophy, Ideological and political education between Chinese and Western. He has participated in the writing of speeches by the main leaders of the Central Committee, presided over more than 20 national and provincial projects, published more than 60 academic papers in various authoritative and core journals, and published 4 books.



The outline on Feuerbach,written by Marx in Brussels in the spring of 1845. It includes 11 outlines for criticizing Feuerbach and the center of its discussion is the practical problem. It was called by Engels as "the first document containing the embryonic genius of the new world view" and “the origin of historical materialism. ” The outline on Feuerbach and German Ideology are recognized as the basic symbols of Marxist philosophy, especially the establishment of historical materialism.
