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Lecture 3 Dynamic Plasmonic Systems with Controlled Motion on the Nanoscale
日期: 2022-11-09 点击:
Speaker Bio
Prof. Laura Na Liu received her Ph. D in Physics at University of Stuttgart. She then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley and as a Texas Instruments visiting professor at Rice University, respectively. Before she became a professor at the Kirchhoff Institute for Physics at University of Heidelberg in 2015, she had worked as an independent group leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. In 2020, she joined University of Stuttgart and became the Director of the 2. Physics Institute.
A fundamental design rule that nature has developed for biological machines is the intimate correlation between motion and function. One class of biological machines is molecular motors in living cells, which directly convert chemical energy into mechanical work. They coexist in living cells, but differ in their types of motion. Such natural structures offer inspiration and blueprints for constructing DNA-assembled artificial systems with controlled motion on the nanoscale. In this talk, I will present two artificial analogs of molecular linear and rotary motors with tailored optical functionalities built using DNA origami. I will also highlight the ongoing research directions and conclude that DNA origami has a bright future ahead.