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Lecture 9 Super-resolution: an adventure on a new dimension
日期: 2022-12-08 点击:
Speaker Bio
Prof. Peng Xi is a Boya professor in College of Future Technology, Peking University, China. His research interest is focused on research and development of optical super-resolution microscopy techniques. He has published over 80 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals including Nature, Nature Methods, Light, etc., and holds 19 issued Chinese invention patents and 3 US patents. He is a fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials, and a senior member of OSA. In 2020, he was awarded the NSFC National Outstanding Young Scholar. He is currently on the editorial board of 5 SCI-indexed journals such as Light: Science and Applications and Advanced Photonics. He has been invited to give over 50 invited talks in international conferences hosted by OSA and SPIE.
席鹏,北京大学博雅特聘教授,国际先进材料学会会士(FIAAM),国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。主要从事超分辨显微成像技术的研究。现担任Light等五份SCI收录国际学术期刊的编委。在Nature, Nature Methods等国际一流期刊发表SCI收录期刊论文80余篇,总影响因子大于550,被引超过4000次。2016年获得中国光学重要成果奖。已授权美国专利3项,中国专利19项,编辑专著2部。多次被OSA和SPIE组织的国际会议邀请作大会邀请报告。
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) brings two-fold resolution improvement over the conventional wide-field microscopy. Here we report polarized SIM (pSIM), which decouples the dipole information and spatial super-resolution in SIM through spatial-angular hyperspace analysis. With a careful inspection of the polarization behavior of the SIM system, pSIM maintains measurement accuracy and sensitivity of the dipole orientation on SIM. We applied pSIM on 2D-SIM, 3D-SIM, or total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF)-SIM imaging modalities, on a series of biological systems, such as cytoskeleton networks and λ-DNA. Further, we imaged the dynamics of short actin sliding across a myosin-coated surface. More importantly, pSIM reveals the “side-by-side” organization of the actin ring structures in the membrane-associated periodic skeleton of hippocampal neurons. It also images the dipole dynamics of green fluorescent protein-labeled microtubules in live U2OS cells. 2) Conventional fluorescence microscopy can only image up to 6 types of organelles, far less than the types of major organelles. We further employed the spectral (chemical) information jointly with the polarization information, to develop the spectral-polarization optical tomography (SPOT) technique, toward the study of subcellular multi-organelle interactome.