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Alan Smart

日期: 2019-06-13 点击:

Alan Smart

Alan Smart教授获得多伦多大学博士学位,在中国、中国香港地区和加拿大进行了关于城市问题、住房、国外投资、社会变革、食品安全、动物传染病和农业的研究。他的著作包括《腾出空间:清理香港寮屋》(香港:香港大学出版社,1992年)、《小资本家和全球化》(Josephine Smart合编,纽约州立大学出版社,2005)、《石硖尾神话:寮屋居民、火灾和香港的殖民统治,19501963年》(香港大学出版社,2006)、《操作性:人类学观点》(Josephine Smart合著,多伦多大学出版社,2017)。另有文章发表在专业刊物中,同时也编辑了许多书籍。他目前的研究集中在非正式和发展政策以及智慧城市。

Alan Smart (PhD, U of Toronto, 1986) has conducted research on urban issues, housing, foreign investment, social change, food safety, zoonotic diseases, and agriculture in Hong Kong, China, and Canada. He is author of "Making Room: Squatter Clearance in Hong Kong" (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1992) “Petty capitalists and globalization” (co-edited with Josephine Smart, SUNY Press, 2005), “The Shek Kip Mei Myth: Squatters, fires and colonial rule in Hong Kong, 1950-1963” (Hong Kong University Press, 2006), “Posthumanism: Anthropological Insights (co-authored with Josephine Smart U Toronto Press, 2017) and numerous articles in journals and edited volumes. His current research is focusing on informality and development policy, and smart cities.