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Law Series
Bian Su
日期: 2019-04-24 点击:
卞苏,现任西安交通大学法学院讲师,人文学院在站博士后,西安铁路运输中级人民法院人民陪审员。曾先后获得中国政法大学法学学士、法学硕士(宪法学与行政法学方向)学位,格拉斯哥大学哲学博士学位(法学理论方向)。主要研究领域为宪法学、法与社会理论和比较法学,并担任本科生及留学生相关课程的授课教师。目前主要致力于以社会理论视角研究中国宪法变迁,并曾多次在相关国际国内会议上作会议报告。其英文论文被收录于Law, Space and the Political: An East-West Perspective 一书中。
Su Bian joined Xi’an Jiaotong University since 2016, as a lecturer at the Law School and a post-doctorate at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She is also a People’s Assessor at Xi’an Intermediate Court of Railway Transportation. Prior to that, Su obtained her Bachelor degree in law and Master degree (in Constitutional and Administrative Law) at China University of Political Science and Law, and the Ph.D degree (in Legal Theory) at School of Law, University of Glasgow. Her research interests lie in constitutional law, law and social theory as well as comparative law, and she has been teaching several courses in these fields for undergraduates and foreign LLM students. At present, Su is undertaking the project of studying ‘constitutional transitions in China’ from a perspective of social theories, and has presented widely in related domestic and international conferences. Her paper has been published in the book Law, Space and the Political: An East-West Perspective.