
- 2024年“新港报告之美育高端论坛”
- 美育高端论坛人文系列
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Medicine and Health
日期: 2019-09-17 点击:
Speaker Bio
Prof Zhang is currently a full Professor at the School of Public Health, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He is a very experienced modeller and epidemiologist in HIV/STI research. He has cross-disciplinary research experience in mathematics, epidemiology, artificial intelligence and cost-effectiveness evaluation. He has so far published 139 publications (85 papers, 5 book chapters, 9 technical reports), 85 of which are first/senior authored. He regularly publishes in leading journals (Lancet GH, Lancet HIV, Lancet ID, Genetics in Medicine, International Journal of Epidemiology, PNAS; CID; AIDS and JAIDS). He has led or contributed to six international projects with UNAIDS and the World Bank. These findings have been translated into health policies that foster effective HIV interventions in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. He has developed and demonstrated his leadership in these projects. His papers have been cited more than 2000 times. He has also given more than 30 oral and poster conference presentations at several national and international conferences. He has supervised four PhD and 14 master students to completion. Currently, he is supervising three PhD and three master students. Throughout his career, he has established strong collaboration with national health institutes (China CDC) and international organisations (WHO, UNAIDS and the World Bank). He also served as a long-time consultant and technical advisor to WHO Western Pacific Region.
张磊,西安交通大学公共卫生学院教授,曾任世界卫生组织特聘顾问等职。主要研究方向为艾滋病/性传播疾病流行病学与建模分析,在数学、流行病学、人工智能和成本效益评估方面具有跨学科的研究经验。公开发表139篇专著、技术报告和论文等,其中第一或通讯作者在Lancet GH、Lancet HIV、Lancet ID等知名期刊发表论文85篇,总引用超过2000次。已指导4名博士和14名硕士,现指导3名博士和3名硕士。与中国疾病预防控制中心和世界卫生组织、联合国艾滋病规划署和世界银行等建立强有力的合作,相关项目成果转化为东欧和东南亚有效干预艾滋病的卫生政策。