
- 2024年“新港报告之美育高端论坛”
- 美育高端论坛人文系列
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- Mathematics and Statistics Series
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- Electronic Engineering and Information Series
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- Human Settlements and Environment Series
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Language & Literature Series
日期: 2019-11-04 点击:
杜丽霞,西安交通大学英语系副教授,系主任。长期从事加拿大研究、美国文学、圣经研究、英汉文学翻译。近期发表的论文包括《圣经生态伦理新解》和《男性气质理论视角下<典型的美国佬>与<爱妻>男主人公研究》。即将出版的译作包括Claire and William Band夫妇所著的《龙牙:与中国游击队相处两年》以及陕西作家安黎所著的《时间的面孔》。
DU Lixia is Associate Professor and English Department Chair, Xi’an Jiaotong University. The fields she tills cover Canadian studies, American Literature studies, Bible studies as well as English and Chinese literary work translation. Her latest paper publications include “A Fresh Interpretation of the Bible’s Ecological Ethics” and “A Study on the Male Protagonists’ Masculinities in Gish Jen’s Typical American and The Love Wife”. Her up-coming translation publications include a translation of Clare and William Band’s Dragon Fangs: Two Years with Chinese Guerrillas, and The Face of Time by AN Li, a Shaanxi writer enjoying national fame.