
- 2024年“新港报告之美育高端论坛”
- 美育高端论坛人文系列
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Human Settlements and Environment Series
Kohei Komatsu
日期: 2020-11-24 点击:
Speaker Bio
Professor Kohei Komatsu is a renowned international specialist in the field of timber engineering for more than 40 years. Graduated with a PhD in Agriculture from the Kyoto University, Prof. Komatsu began his research career at the Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute and the Forest Research Institute in New Zealand, followed by Senior Research Scientist and later promoted as the Head for the Laboratory of Engineered Timber Joints for the Forestry, Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) at Tsukaba. Prof. Komatsu then joined the Kyoto University in 1996 as Associate Professor for the Laboratory of Structural Functions of the Wood Research Institute and was later appointed Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Structural Functions, RISH. After his retirement from the Kyoto University in March 2013, Prof. Komatsu was invited as Visiting Professor of Taiwan Cheng Kung University for one year and later was appointed as the Distinguished Professor of Nanjing Forestry University in 2015. An active member of many building-related Societies and technical committees, Prof. Komatsu was the Editor-in-Chief for the SCI-indexed Journal of Wood Science and reviewer for more than ten internationally peer-reviewed SCI journals such as Construction and Building Materials and Engineering Structures. Over the years, Prof Komatsu has published over 200 high-quality academic papers and reviews in journals, books and conferences, and was also the editor and contributor for several important Japanese timber engineering manuals and technical guides (such as the “Standard for Structural Design of Timber Structures”, “Fundamental Theory of Timber Engineering” and “Design Manual for Engineered Timber Joints”). Prof Komatsu was awarded “The 31st Japan Wood Research Society Award” in 1991 and the “Hideo Sugiyama Award” from the Japan Timber Engineering Society in 2005.
小松幸平教授为京都大学农学博士,历年来曾任职于新西兰林产研究所木构造实验室、日本北海道林业试验所及日本农林渔业部林产研究所木构造研究,并于2004年开始担任日本京都大学生存圈研究所(RISH)构造机能研究室之主持人,迄今具有40 逾年之木构造研究经验。小松教授于2014年正式卸下京都大学的教职工作后,并以荣誉教授的身份持续他热爱的科研工作。同年,他担任中国台湾成功大学客座教授一年并于2015年受聘为南京林业大学特聘教授三年。迄今,小松教授已发表与出版高水平学术论文及论著200逾篇,主编日本《木质构造设计》、《木质构造基础理论》、《木质构造接合部设计手册》等专业论著和教材多部,并分别于1991 年与2005年荣获“日本杉山英男奖”与“日本木材学会奖”。小松教授曾任职国际权威SCI 国际期刊Journal of Wood Science主编,至今任职多个国内外学术专业单位,例如,日本木材研究学会会员、日本建筑综合试验所评价委员、Construction and Building Material、Engineering Structures等近十家国际土木结构领域期刊主审以及中国《林业工程学报》海外委员。