
- 2024年“新港报告之美育高端论坛”
- 美育高端论坛人文系列
- Physics Series
- Energy Series
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- Mathematics and Statistics Series
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Energy Series
日期: 2022-04-24 点击:
Speaker Bio
Dr. Chenglong Tang is a Professor in the School of Energy and Power Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong University. He joint Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2011 after he received his ph D degree in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics in the same year. He has been working as a research collaborator in Princeton University from 2009 to 2011. His research interests include spray and mixture formation, combustion chemistry, new concept propulsion and reactive flows in internal-, aero-, and rocket- engines. His research has received three National Natural Science Foundation of China support, one of which is National Excellent Youth Foundation. Dr. Tang is now a member of Committee, Professional Association of Munitions Safety, Chinese Society of Astronautics. Member of Technical Committee, Chinese National Space Science and Technology Center. He has won the National Natural Science Award 2015(2nd class), and Natural Science MOE Natural Science Award (1st class). and the Shi Shaoxi Talents from the Chinese Association of IC Engine. Dr. Tang serves as a youth member of committee of Chinese Journal of Internal Combustion Engine Engineering, member of technique committee of the micro-gravity combustion office, Chinese Space Science and Application Center.
汤成龙,男,西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事动力装置燃烧过程化学反应流基础研究,研究课题包括液滴动力学、喷雾液滴燃烧、燃烧化学反应动力学理论及模型构建、含能材料燃烧特性参数表征及安全性能评估、新型推进剂混合及点火起燃机理等。主持国家自然科学基金4项;国防科工局基础预研3项;省部级项目2项;在流体力学和燃烧领域期刊J Fluid Mech,Phys Fluids, Int J Multiphase Flow, Combust Flame等发表论文70余篇H 因子31。获国家自然科学二等奖(排4),中国内燃机学会“史绍熙人才奖”,“仲英青年学者”等奖励或荣誉,任职国际推进与动力学会年会燃烧专题主席,中国宇航学会弹药安全技术专业委员会委员,亚太燃烧会议技术评审委员会委员,空间科学与应用中心微重力燃烧科学专家组专家等。