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Lecture 19 Loading and Motion in Our Joints: from Biotribology to Tribobiology
人体关节的承载和运动: 从生物摩擦学到摩擦生物学
日期: 2020-05-15 点击:
Natural synovial joints provide a range of smooth motions while at the same time take a large amount of load of several times bodyweight even during normal walking. Tribology which deals with the relative motion between two contacting surfaces plays an important role in the normal function of our joints as well as the development of joint diseases. Biotribology of our joints covers friction, wear and lubrication as well as the artificial joint replacements. It is important to understand the lubrication mechanisms of our joints with articular cartilage as the bearing surfaces and synovial fluid as the lubricant in reducing friction and minimising wear. Equally important are the developments of biomaterial combinations for artificial joint replacements to reduce friction and wear and therefore prolong the joint lifetime. Current focuses of artificial joint replacements include developing wear-resistance bearing surfaces, while at the same time providing personalised solutions for different patients.
Speaker Bio:
JIN Zhongmin, PhD, Professor/Doctoral Supervisor. Dean of the Leeds Joint School at Southwest Jiaotong University and Visiting Professor at the University of Leeds. His main research interests include biotribology and biomechanics of natural synovial joints and artificial joint replacements. He has received a number of research grants from Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK (EPSRC). He has published over 340 peer-reviewed scientific papers with an h-index of 41.