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Lecture 6 How to realize efficient power generation using supercritical carbon dioxide?
日期: 2020-05-27 点击:
Driven by primary energies of coal/natural gas, nuclear and solar, supercritical water-steam Rankine cycle has been commercialized for a long history, but it faces challenges on efficiency limit and large system size. Alternatively, supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) power cycle offers benefits of higher efficiency and compact size, attracting both scientific community and industries.
Speaker Bio
Prof. Jinliang Xu is the Director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer for Low Grade Energy Utilization, North China Electric Power University. He joined Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion from 2002, and setup the Micro Energy System Laboratory there. He joined North China Electric Power University in 2009 and founded the Beijing Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer for Low Grade Energy Utilizations. His research interest includes multiphase flow and heat transfer in micro/nano systems, advanced power generation system, low grade energy and renewable energy utilization. He published more than 200 international journal papers as the corresponding author and co-authored two books. He has been the highly cited author in recent five years in Energy field.