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Lecture 5 Materials under the tip - Scanning probe microscopy of advanced functional materials

第五讲 针尖下的材料——先进功能材料的扫描探针显微分析

日期: 2020-05-28 点击:


This talk will briefly review our efforts using scanning probe microscopy to address this challenge in the past a few years, with particular emphasis on mechanistic understanding regarding competing microscopic mechanisms and data analytic approaches with machine learning and artificial intelligence. Cases studies on resistive switching in ferroelectrics, polar order in organic-inorganic solar cells, and low-dimensional heat conduction in nanostructured thermoelectrics will be given, and future challenges and opportunities will be highlighted.


Speaker Bio

Jiangyu Li recently joins Southern University of Science and Technology, and serves as the Chair in the Department of Materials and Science and Engineering. Prior that, he was a Research Scientist at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington. He obtained his B.E. degree in 1994 from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, and Ph.D. degree in 1998 from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado-Boulder. Li works in the general field of mechanics and physics of materials, focusing on advanced scanning probe microscopy and its applications in functional materials.
