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Lecture 9 Manufacturing the world


日期: 2022-05-20 点击:

Speaker Bio

Speaker Bio

Dr. R. Du received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan in 1989. He has taught in the University of Windsor, in Windsor, Ontario, Canada (1991¾1999), the University of Miami, in Coral Gables, Florida. USA (1999¾2001), the Chinese University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong SAR (2001¾2018), and the S. M. Wu School of Intelligent Engineering in the South China University of Technology (2018¾2021). He is the founding director of the Guangzhou Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Advanced Technology (2011¾2016). His areas of research include precision engineering, design and manufacturing (metal forming, machining, plastic injection molding and etc.), as well as robotics and automation. He has published over 500 papers in various academic journals and international conferences. He is the associate editor / the members of editorial board of six international journals. He has received a number of international and regional awards and recognitions, including: Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers), Fellow of ASME (Society of American Mechanical Engineers), Fellow of HKIE (Hong Kong Institute of Engineers



200,000 years ago, some 60,000 human beings walked out of Africa. Now, the human population has toped 7,800,000,000. Along the way, human beings changed the world far beyond any animals have done. In Chinese, the old wisdom is that living is just clothes, foods, living spaces, and traveling means (“衣”,“食”,“住”,“行”). It is through the making of these basic needs; humans changed the world. This talk is a short version of my second book: “Manufacturing the world” (制造地球), in which the human journey on making ever improved clothes, foods, living spaces, and traveling means are presented. Though, in this talk, owing to the time constraints, only the making of clothes is discussed. It consists of five parts: materials, spinning, weaving, dyeing, and sewing.

20万年前,大约6万人离开了非洲。现在世界人口已经达到78亿。在这一过程中,人类对世界的改变远远超过了任何动物。在中国有一句至理名言:生活就是衣食住行。正是通过对这些基本需求品的制造,人类改变了世界。这个报告是我第二本书 “制造地球”的简版,展示了人类不断改进制造衣服、食物、住所和旅行工具的过程。但是由于时间的限制,本次演讲只讨论服装的制作,包括材料、纺纱、织造、染色和缝纫5个部分。