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IHarbour Lectures Sociology Series (11): Marketization and Mobility: Trends in Intergenerational Class Mobility among Australian Women and Men

日期: 2019-09-06 点击:

On the afternoon of July 1, 2019, the last lecture of the IHarbour Lectures Sociology Series was given by Professor Mark Western with the topic Marketization and Mobility: Trends in Intergenerational Class Mobility among Australian Women and Men.

Mark Western is a professor of Sociology, and Director of the Institute for Social Science Research at the University of Queensland.

Professor Western’s lecture focused on Australia's Wage-earning Welfare State policy and described Australia's intergenerational mobility model. He first introduced the Australian experience and theories with modernization and social mobility. According to his research, the relative mobility of Australia has not changed significantly, which contradicts market theory but is in-line with class theory. Finally, Professor Western pointed out that China is a rich field for social mobility research, owing to the impact of marketization, guanxi, one-child policy and so on. Hopefully, the research on Australian social mobility can bring some guidance to China.