
IHarbour Lectures Sociological Series (5): Social Mobility in China
日期: 2019-09-12 点击:
On the afternoon of June 26, 2019, Professor Li Yaojun gave a lecture titled Social Mobility in China—A Study of Gender and Hukou Effects.
Professor Li Yaojun works at the Department of Sociology and Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research, Manchester University, UK. He is s fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and distinguished visiting professor at the Institute for Empirical Social Science Research of Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Professor Li’s lecture mainly focused on intergenerational occupational class mobility in China. By drawing the most authoritative national representative surveys currently available (from 1996 to 2015), the analysis examines the absolute and relative mobility rates for men and women in China born between 1927 and 1995. Based on the systematic difference of the household registration system in urban and rural areas, he found that there was a continued upgrading of the occupational structure in the reform period, which engendered a sustained growth in upward mobility, especially that of the long-range type, whereas downward mobility was uncommon. The patterns and trends in this regard applied equally to both genders. Additionally, he discussed the influence of parents' social class on the quality and opportunity of children's education. Education opportunity inequality due to economic development strengthens class consolidation.