
日期: 2021-05-20 点击:
美国著名文理学院波莫纳学院访问助理教授,美国夏威夷大学第二语言研究系应用语言学博士,师从世界泛读研究创始人Richard Day教授,开创了美国的中文泛读研究领域。美国大学生英文辩论锦标赛主席,外研社全国大学生英文辩论赛联合总裁判长,“希望之星”全国英文演讲比赛总决赛裁判。美国东西方中心(East-West Center)校友。目前主要从事应用语言学,对外汉语教学,跨文化交际方面的研究。受邀在世界应用语言学学会(AILA),美国应用语言学学会(AAAL)和亚洲阅读和写作学会(ARWA)等国际语言学顶级会议上作报告30余次。在国际和国内SSCI, ESCI, CSSCI期刊发表文章10多篇。主持对外汉语教学方面的研究项目5项。
Jing Zhou
Jing Zhou is a visiting assistant professor at Pomona College, a top liberal arts college in USA. Jing Zhou received her PhD degree from the Department of Second Language Studies at University of Hawaii at Manoa, with a specialization in Applied Linguistics. Her PhD advisor is Dr. Richard Day, the founding father of Extensive Reading. Jing Zhou served or is serving as a chair of American College Students National Debating Tournament, co-adjudicator of FLTRP National English Debating Contest, referee of “Star of Outlook” National English Speaking Contest finals and is also an alumni of East-West Center in USA. Her research interests include applied linguistics, teaching Chinese as a foreign or second language and intercultural communication. Jing Zhou has presented individual papers at top international applied linguistics conferences such as AILA, AAAL, ARWA, and so on over 30 times. She has also published over 10 research articles on SSCI, ESCI, CSSCI indexed national and international journals and is the principal investigator of five research projects on teaching Chinese as a foreign or second language.
The Cultural Confidence of China in a Globalized World
Cultural confidence is the foundation of the interaction between China and the world. This talk will discuss a three-layer-structure model of culture, that is, material layer, behavioral layer, and mental layer, analyze the influence of Confucianism on Chinese culture at the mental layer, compare the difference between individualism and collectivism and its reflection in languages. This talk will conclude by offering suggestions to how to achieve cultural confidence and promote intercultural communication.