
日期: 2021-10-14 点击:
时间:2021年10月23日 10:00——12:00
高压直流技术的发展和前景 Development and Prospect of HVDC Technology
工学博士,国家级特聘专家,现任全球能源互联网研究院直流输电首席专家、海外直流工程技术总监。主要从事柔性直流和直流电网研究工作,国际柔性直流工程市场开发、技术研发、投标和国际标准制订等方面的技术研究和工作实施。英国特许注册电力工程师(CEng)、英国工程与技术学会 (IET)会士(FELLOW),IET会士资格评审委员会委员。CIGRE B4中国委员,CIGRE B4.72和B4.AG02工作组召集人,CIGRE SC B4战略小组 AG01等数个工作组成员。中科院电工所客座研究员,中国能源研究会特聘专家。
安婷博士分别于1982、1985和2000年毕业于西安交通大学、中国电力科学研究院研究生部和英国曼彻斯特大学,获电气工程学士学位、高电压工程硕士学位和电力工程博士学位;分别在中国电力科学研究院(CEPRI)、GE Grid Solutions(前ALSTHOM)的英国输配电部电力电子系统有限公司和E.ON 技术中心分别工作了5年、8年和14年。主要从事输配电、智能电网、高压直流及直流电网等的建模、仿真、分析、设计与研究、新技术研发及项目管理等工作。
Dr. Ting An has been a National Distinguished Expert, Chief Expert and Technical Director for overseas projects at Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute (GEIRI), SGCC, China, since October 2013. She is mainly engaged in the R&D of VSC-HVDC and DC grids, technical development, and implementation of international VSC-HVDC marketing, bidding, and standard formulation. She is a Charted Engineer in the UK, a fellow of the IET, IET Fellow assessor; CIGRE SC B4 Regular Member for China, Convener of CIGRE SC B4.72 and B4.AG02 Working Groups (WGs), and member of CIGRE SC B4.AG01 and a few other WGs. She is also a guest professor of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a distinguished expert of the China Energy Research Association.
Dr. Ting An earned her bachelor's degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University (1982), her master's degree from the Graduate School of China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI) (1985), and a doctorate from the University of Manchester, UK (2000). Her work experiences include CEPRI (5 years), GE Grid Solutions (formerly ALSTHOM)'s T&D Power Electronic Systems Co., Ltd (UK) (8 years), and E.ON Technology Center (UK) (14 years). She has gained experience in the planning, modeling, simulation, and analysis of T&D systems, including HVAC, HVDC, DC grids, FACTS, SVC, renewable energy resources, and smart grids.
After more than a hundred years of development of DC technology, UHVDC transmission has become an economically feasible transmission technology for large-capacity, high-voltage, and long-distance power transmission. VSC-HVDC technology is now a leading technical solution for integrating renewable energy resources, especially offshore wind power. DC grids will be the main component of the new power system, with new energy resources as the main element in the future. First, this presentation summarizes the development history of the four different stages of HVDC technology. It presents R&D status of HVDC major technology equipment, including AC/DC converters, DC/DC converters, DC power flow controllers, DC cables, and DC circuit breakers. Next, the development of China's HVDC technology and the HVDC projects that have been built, under construction, and planned are introduced. This is followed by an outline of the major international academic organizations and associations in DC systems and power electronics and their work. Finally, an overview is given of the development directions and trends of HVDC technology.
脉宽调制:自由优化电磁干扰技术 Pulse-Width-Modulation: With the Freedom to Optimize EMI
华中科技大学教授,博士生导师,分别于2005年和2007年在中国北京清华大学获得电气工程学士和硕士学位。2011年在美国Tennessee大学获得电力电子和电机驱动专业的博士学位。2012年1月至2015年7月,在美国联合技术研究中心担任高级研究科学家/工程师。2015年7月至今,在中国武汉的华中科技大学担任教授,主要致力于电力电子和电机驱动的研究,在该领域发表了100多篇IEEE期刊和会议论文,并有40多项授权专利,是IEEE Transactionon on Industry Applications的副编辑,曾多次获得IEEE会议的最佳论文奖。
Dong Jiang (S05’-M12’-SM16’) received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He received a Ph.D. of power electronics and motor drives from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA in 2011. He worked as a Senior Research Scientist/Engineer in the United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA from January 2012 to July 2015. He has been a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China since July 2015. His main research interests include power electronics and motor drives, with more than 100 articles published in IEEE journals and conferences and over 40 granted patents. Dr. Jiang is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. He has been a recipient of several best paper awards at IEEE conferences.
This presentation focuses on the study of electromagnetic interference (EMI) reduction-oriented advanced pulse-width-modulation (PWM) technologies. EMI is a severe threat to the reliability and operation of such power electronics converters as motor drives. PWM is one of the most important EMI factors in power electronics converters. Advanced PWM methods can be developed with freedom to optimize EMI and other parameters. Researches on advanced PWM using freedom to optimize performance will be presented in this report.
This report is based on the research carried out by members of the presenters’ group as well as global researchers. The primary contents are included in the newly published book Advanced Pulse-Width-Modulation: with Freedom to Optimize Power Electronics Converters by Springer Press.