
日期: 2021-10-14 点击:
时间:2021年10月30日 10:00——12:00
氢燃料电池无人机能源动力系统关键技术 Key Technology of Hydrogen Fuel Cells in UAV Energy Power Systems
西北工业大学教授、博士生导师,现任陕西省新能源与混合动力国际科技合作基地副主任、陕西省电源学会副监事长、IEEE Senior Member,IEEE IES专委会副主席,IEEE Trans. on Industrial Applicaiton、IET Power Electrical、Inter. Jour. of Power Electronics等期刊副编辑和《电源学报》专刊特邀主编,军科委重大项目副总师,从事氢能在运输电气化和能源互联网中应用的相关研究。近年来,主持国家自然基金面上项目1项,省部级及以上基金项目11项,以第1作者和通讯作者在IEEE TIE、IEEE TIA、《中国电机工程学报》、《电工技术学报》等国内外学术期刊与会议上发表论文50余篇,申请和授权国家发明专利10项。获得工业和信息化部国防科学技术进步一等奖1项,陕西省科学技术三等奖1项,陕西省高校科学技术二等奖1项,西安市青年科技之星。
Yigeng Huangfu is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Northwestern Polytechnic University; the Deputy Director of the International Science and Technology Cooperation Center of Renewable Energy and Hybrid Power; the Deputy Supervisor of the Shaanxi Power Supply Society; an IEEE Senior Member; the Vice Chairman of the IEEE IES Special Committee on Transportation Electrification; the Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Industrial Application, IET Power Electrical, Inter. Jour. of Power Electronics and other journals, and an invited editor-in-chief of the special issue of Journal of Power Sources; the deputy chief engineer of major projects of the Military Science and Technology Commission; and is engaged in research related to the application of hydrogen energy in transportation electrification and energy Internet.
In recent years, he has presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation project, 11 provincial and ministerial level projects, and published more than 50 papers in IEEE TIE, IEEE TIA, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, Journal of Electrotechnology, and other academic journals and conferences at home and abroad as the first author and corresponding author. He also owns 10 national invention patents. He won the first prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the third Science and Technology prize of Shaanxi Province, the second prize of the Science and Technology Awards for Universities in Shaanxi Province, and was designated as a Xi'an Young Science and Technology Star.
Hydrogen fuel cells are increasingly gaining attention in the field of new energy transportation electrification with their zero-emission, long life, and high energy density. With technological progress and industrial upgrading, the performance demand of future multi-/all-electric aircraft in long-endurance, high-altitude, and infrared stealth is also increasing day by day. Targeting high-altitude and long-endurance UAVs as the application background, researchers conducted numerous experienments on critical components of energy power systems, particularly air supply, hydrogen storage, electric stack, on-board power distribution, and electric propulsion systems.
高压设备的绿色发展和技术挑战 Development and Technical Challenges of Green High Voltage Apparatus
傅明利博士分别在西安交通大学和Southampton获得电子工程学士和博士学位。他在中国和英国的工作生涯中,曾在大学和工业研发部门担任研究员、讲师和技术顾问,曾在Alstom电网技术中心担任首席技术顾问和高级专家。在2013年加入中国南方电网公司电力研究院的政府全球专家项目。傅明利博士团队现从事高压直流/高压交流电绝缘技术、系统安全运行和资产管理的创新技术研究。同时他也是IET和CENG的会士,以及IEEE的会员,积极参与CIGRE B1.62, B1.54, B1/B4/C4.73, IEC TC112 WG3/WG5的工作。
Dr. Mingli Fu
received his BSc and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University and the University of Southampton, respectively. He worked in China and the UK as a research fellow, lecturer, and technology consultant at universities and industry R&D sectors. Before joining the Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern Grid, under the government’s Global Experts Program in 2013, he was the Principal Technology Consultant and Senior Expert at Alstom Grid Technology Centre (UK).
Mingli Fu is currently leading a team working on innovative HVDC/HVAC insulation technologies, system safe operation, and asset management. He is actively involved in CIGRE B1.62, B1.54, B1/B4/C4.73, IEC TC112 WG3/WG5, and is a Fellow of IET and CENG, and a member of IEEE.
为了解决SF6气体的温室效应,欧洲、北美、澳大利亚和亚洲的一些国家已经开始对SF6气体的使用征收排放税,以限制和逐步约束SF6气体的使用。因此,在学术界和工程界,寻找一种环境友好的替代品变得十分迫切。本报告将简要介绍当前 "双碳计划 "论述下绿色电气设备的发展和技术挑战。
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas insulation electrical equipment is widely used in medium and high-voltage power transmission and transformation due to less land use requirements, safe and reliable operation, and less maintenance requirement. However, SF6 gas is a potent greenhouse gas with its GWP (Global Warming Potential) 23500 times CO2. Additionally, it has a 3200-year long atmospheric lifetime. During 2011-2016, SF6 content in the global atmosphere increased by 20%, attracting wide international attention to its future use. UNPPP's Kyoto Protocol listed SF6 as one of six greenhouse gases in 1997, stipulating that its use would be restricted before 2020.
To reduce the greenhouse effect of SF6 gas, several countries in Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia have begun imposing emission taxes on SF6 gas use to limit and gradually restrict its use. Therefore, it is an urgent task to find an environmentally friendly alternative. This report will summarize the discourse on the development and technical challenges of green electrical equipment under current plan of “peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060”.