
- 2024年“新港报告之美育高端论坛”
- 美育高端论坛人文系列
- Physics Series
- Energy Series
- Institutes of Biomedical and Health Engineering
- Mathematics and Statistics Series
- Mechanical Series
- Series of Management
- Electronic Engineering and Information Series
- Electrical Engineering Series
- Marxism Series
- Human Settlements and Environment Series
- Artificial Intelligence Series
- Innovation Month 2020 Series
- Medicine and Health
- Sociology Series
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- Language & Literature Series
Mechanical Series
Weiming Shen
日期: 2022-05-04 点击:
Speaker Bio
Dr. Weiming Shen is a Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China. Prior to joining HUST, he worked for 20 years at National Research Council Canada as Research Officer, Senior Research Officer, and Principal Research Officer. He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). He is an internationally-recognized expert on agent-based collaborative technologies and applications. He has published several books and over 500 papers in scientific journals and international conferences in the related areas. His work has been cited about 16,000 times with an h-index of 60. His book titled “Multi-Agent Systems for Concurrent Intelligent Design and Manufacturing” and a few related review papers are among the most cited on agent-based intelligent manufacturing. He is the Co-Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, has been Program Committee Co-Chair of the CSCWD conferences since 2001, and served as General Chair/Co-Chair or Program Committee Chair/Co-Chair for over 30 international conferences.