Series of Management

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Jifeng Mu

日期: 2021-12-20 点击:

Speaker Bio

Jifeng Mu is Professor of Marketing at Alabama A&M University. He speaks English, Chinese, French, and German. He holds a Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Washington. He publishes in Information Systems Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Decision Sciences, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of the Product Innovation Management, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, among others.

Jifeng Mu,阿拉巴马农工大学市场学教授。掌握英语、汉语、法语和德语等多国语言。拥有华盛顿大学市场营销博士学位。著作包括《信息系统研究》、《市场科学学会杂志》、《决策科学》、《工业市场管理》、《产品创新管理杂志》和《IEEE工程管理汇刊》等。